I was first introduced to the 501 Verb Series in Spanish class at U.C. Santa Cruz and instantly realized it was the equivalent of the Bible for learning Romance languages. Blasphemy you say?! Trust me, it is absolutely essential for any serious student learning a new language, especially one derived from Latin! As soon as I became comfortable using it I was disappointed to realize I had endured 6 years of French in grade school without its help. I now consider it an invaluable teaching tool for explaining structure in a methodical manner as well as an occasional reference tool for more esoteric verbs. Let's face it, there are thousands of different verbs which are used in Romance Languages and many of them are irregular. Using them correctly requires a lot of practice, especially when the patterns differ from the status-quo. The 501 Verbs Series (available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, etc...) effectively makes language acquisition (a formidable task already) much easier....
Over the past 5 years of teaching/tutoring I have convinced over 100 students to purchase these books. I used to joke that 501 verbs should have me on the payroll. Honestly though, i would not recommend this series let alone allow a link to purchase these books on my website if I didn't believe in them 100%. Furthermore, rather than send my students to Barnes & Nobles or Borders to purchase the books, I have recommended that they buy the books USED on Amazon.com Although new copies are not terribly expensive, roughly $17.00 (give or take a buck or 2) at the local bookstore, it is far more practical to get a used version. Amazon doesn't sell stuff that is really worn or tattered. In fact one of my students got a "used" edition of 501 Spanish Verbs once for 37 cents. It had clearly never been used. That being said, I have provided links to Amazon on my Homepage, Services and Subjects pages, as well as this page. I only receive 4% of the sale, so I am not trying to ruthlessly exploit any of my students by any means, rather I am just trying to provide a worthwhile link to an invaluable product. Trust me, 4% of 37 cents doesn't exactly have me laughing all the way to the bank, but if I can help one of my struggling students acquire Portuguese more effectively that is rewarding enough for me.